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How to almost set a child or grandchild up for life
Discover how investing $200 per month from birth to age 18 can grow to $84,000. Learn the power of compound interest and how early investment can secure your child's financial future.
Preparing for retirement
Discover essential strategies for preparing your portfolio for retirement. Learn about the bucket approach, managing sequencing and longevity risks, and transitioning to defensive assets to ensure a stable and secure retirement
A Better Alternative to Budgeting
Discover a better way to manage your finances with reverse budgeting. This article explores how to automate savings and spending based on personal goals, providing financial freedom and flexibility. Learn how to prioritize your goals, automate savings, and enjoy the freedom to spend your surplus wisely.
7 Steps To Set Up Your Family For Success
7 Steps to Set Up Your Family for Success provides a guide for individuals aged between 30 and 50 years old who are looking to secure their family's financial future.
9 Biggest Mistakes Millennials Make Financially
Here are 9 financial mistakes millennials can easily avoid.
Managing Cash Flow and Setting Automation
A guide on managing cash flow, budgeting, and automating savings to achieve financial freedom
The importance of diversification through the lens of collapsed banks
To find out more about how we support our clients to invest, book a time with James Gray who will help you create and grow your wealth.
8 signs it’s time to engage a financial adviser
Life is a team game, the world is the playing field and you want to put yourself in the best position possible to win. To do this, you want specialists in each of the different player positions who are 100% aligned with your unique objectives, values and goals. To find out more about how we support our clients to through major life events, book a time with James Gray today.
Millennials, 9 reasons you shouldn't check your investments more than once a quarter
To find out more about how we support our clients to invest, book a time with James Gray who will help you create and grow your wealth.
What’s behind our money habits?
To find out more about how we support our clients to build good money habits, book a time with James Gray and take back control over your cashflow.
Cashing in your South African retirement annuity with Tax Emigration.
To find out how to best move South African funds to New Zealand, book a time with us to talk about your situation and how we can help.
Wills and reducing the burden on your loved ones
To find out more about Wills and estate planning, book a time with James Gray to talk about its value in a financial strategy and explore ways to put the best structure in place for you.
Why everyone needs medical insurance
To find out more about medical insurance, book a time with us to talk about its value in a financial strategy and find out the best structure for you.
What are the eight dimensions of wellbeing?
Your wellbeing is a conscious and deliberate process of making choices that help us to live our best life. A life full of purpose, satisfying work and play, joyful relationships, a healthy body and mind, financial confidence and ultimately happiness.
That four letter "G" word
Let us help you identify your values, clarify your goals and chart a course to achieve those goals. You might be in your 20s, 30s or 40s; whatever your age, start investing NOW, look long term and be clear on your goals.
Why values matter
To discover your values, book a time with us to identify and clarify what is important to you, how you define success and what motivates you.
Do good for the planet
How to invest and do good for the planet
In March, energy company Royal Dutch Shell announced it was going to halve its carbon footprint by 2050 – the first time in its history Shell has issued carbon footprint targets.
A future for your children
What kind of a future do you dream of for your children?
In these uncertain times, it’s hard not to worry about whether our children will have the things many Kiwis took for granted – such as a good education, an OE and eventually a house.
Protect what matters most
A simple but powerful philosophy worth adopting and sharing with you is to live your life in the juxtaposition of what matters most and what you can control. This philosophy is brilliantly illustrated by Carl Richards' sketch.
Emotion in planning
Many of my retired clients ask me "have I saved enough money for retirement?". Of course, it is a rhetorical question which can only be truly understood by them. The question they need to ask themselves is "do I feel comfortable with my lifestyle now I am in retirement?".