Established in 1997, Liberty Life is a family-run advice firm dedicated to helping families achieve financial security and freedom.
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Meet our Team
James Gray
Director, Financial Adviser
+64 21 944754
James is a qualified and licenced Financial Adviser and brings over a decade of financial services experience to the firm. James is passionate about delivering life changing experiences to people.
As a proud husband and father, James also understands the demands of life and believes that purpose, planning, and pursuit keep us all on the road to success.
Tania Gray
Director, Client Success Manager
+64 22 464 2050
Tania wants to see you take the reins on your life and move forward in living your best life. As your customer success manager, Tania’s primary role is to help you through our unique processes and set you up for success. Accountability and making a difference in your life are fundamental principles underpinning her approach. A dedicated wife and mother, Tania believes we architect our lives. Create and live your best life today.
We take the time to discover what is important to you, to help you ‘Live your Best Life’.
Discover the process in this short video.
Michael & Gwyn Gray
Michael and Gwyn established Liberty Life New Zealand in 1997 and specialised in providing financial advice to South African immigrants. Michael and Gwyn are now retired and enjoy time surfing and with their grandchildren.