That four letter "G" word

Let your goals drive your investment strategy.   

You will be familiar with the saying ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’, the same sentiment applies to goals which represent an embodiment of our values. We all view life through a different lense, define success differently and are motivated by unique factors. Our goals help guide our time frames, appetite for risk and sustain our attention.

Investing without goals or misaligned goals will likely lead you in circles with no sense of purpose or satisfaction. It is most often the lack of satisfaction and direction that leads people to regretful financial decisions. At Liberty Life, we help our clients identify their values, clarify their goals and chart a course to achieve their goals. You might be in your 20s, 30s or 40s; whatever your age, start investing NOW, look long term and be clear on your goals.


What are the eight dimensions of wellbeing?


Why values matter